Hoy os dejo un vídeo muy especial, 10 de los trucos más efectivos y que mejor funcionan de maquillaje que toda chico o chica debe saber y utilizar! Continue reading →
Hoy vamos a explorar más detenidamente el poder del maquillaje y que es lo que nos puede ofrecer y sobre todo como nos podemos aprovechar de el para sacarnos más partido, he estado buscando fotos antiguas mías donde se podía... Continue reading →
Today I wanted to talk about a specific matter, a matter that brings so many questions and that not always is clear the meaning of it, we will be talking about color correctors, concealer with a different undertones that helps... Continue reading →
A few days ago I wrote a post about products to reduce the cellulites, today I will give you more natural tips and steps to be able to reduce it, easy routines steps that can be add to any life... Continue reading →
Eyebrows are one of most important parts of the face, complete the look, balance the face and framed the eyes, depending of each face and eyes shapes comes different types of eyebrows and the best way to get the perfect... Continue reading →
There are so many beauty tips to help to get radiant, luminous, and smooth face with a more youthful looking appearance, but these normally takes some time to a treatment to show off, there are not so many products that has... Continue reading →