How to control stress

Soon the summer will be over and the back to the routine is around the corner, but don’t stress there is a few weeks left yet, but we will have to come back to the routine and the horrible stress, one of our worst enemies that we create ourself, produce for situations, persons or things that can overwhelm us, cause insomnia and eating disorders and loosing hair,

The stress is not good in any way, but is almost impossible not to have it so the best thing is to learn how to relief it, reduce it and control it,

I am going to share with your my tips on how to do so, cause I have a very high level of stress due to other factors too,

7 formas de soltar estres

7 formas de soltar estres

The first thing is to release that we have stress, so we need to learn how to analyze ourself and recognize symptoms like distress, anxiety, nerves, lack of sleep, unbalance hunger or loosing hair some of the symptoms that can happen, identifying them is the first step to stop it and control it,

Once we have identified our stress then we need to stop, sounds easy but is much difficult that sounds, sometimes we do not know how to stop, in that moment we need to prioritize our health and stop, think if you keep going like that you will get worst and your work and social life won’t be that satisfactory and won’t be productive, so is better to stop and take some time to control your stress, even just an afternoon!

Try different things until you find what relaxed you the most, do yoga, take a walk, sports, run, go shopping, talking with friends, go to see a movie, practice your hobby… in my case the walks are very effectives, I walk and walk and walk for a couple of hours or more and makes me change the chip, take a breath, relaxed and control my stress and anxiety, it works for me, 

The next step is to create schedules, take daily or weekly time for your, to relax, to disconnect, to reduce the stress and don’t let it to get overwhelming, set a day to meet your friends, to go to the countryside, take some daily minutes to run, to sports, a piece of chocolate, read a book etc… what ever it helps you to relief stress and control it to avoid saturate yourself and can affect your health, 

The important thing is your health, if you are not healthy you won’t be able to do anything, prioritize your health and make sure you are in your best physical and mental state to be able to get anything, if you are not feeling in your best then maybe your need to take some time to get better and ready to keep on fighting stronger than ever, 

I hope it’s been useful my reflection and tips to be able to control stress, for me is a very important matter, here you have more tips posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,

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