Boost up your confidence

A good base to keep a good confidence is to believe in ourself, but that’s not an easy task but sometimes verbalize our thoughts can really help us, so today I put together some phrases that can help us to boos our confidence and believe in ourself, boost up your confidence.

Súbete la autoestima

Súbete la autoestima

I am a confident, strong and independent person.

I feel strong and confidence.

I like who I am.

I’m not afraid to try new things and new experiences.

I am not afraid to meet new people and make deeper connections.

I go for what I want.

I am a awaken person who chase what I want.

I can be a leader.

I have trust and confidence in social situations.

I am confident to face new challenges.

I fear nothing.

I believe in myself and what I am trying to achieve.

I’m amazing and do amazing things every day.

I am powerful.

I trust myself and my confidence.

I am breathing, I am breathing with confidence.

I attract confidence daily.

I am energetic and enthusiastic.

I have confidence in the future that I’m creating.

I walk stomping and secure.

I hope you liked this posts, I has so much to do with the video I am uploading tomorrow, it would be in spanish, that it has took me months to get over it and make it public,

Here you have more coaching posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,

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