Tips to deal better with the seasonal allergies

Yes, I am one of those person that when the warm weather comes is happy just half way cause the warm weather not only means longer days, warmth, sun, walks, and enjoying the outside… also means allergies, sneezing, itchy nose, and have the nose red as a clown… so today I gather some tips that may help you to deal better with the seasonal allergies,

Consejos para sobrellevar la alergia primaveral

Consejos para sobrellevar la alergia primaveral

Close the windows, even if it’s warm outside close the windows mostly those days when the pollen is stronger on the atmosphere, and more important when you are in home,

Do not walk in home with shoes, is easy to get stuck on the shoe sole and leave it along your home floor, so leave the shoes on the hall entrance and avoid extra pollen at home, also keeps cleaner the floors,

Wash your hair before going to bed, this is one of the tips that works the best, do not go to bed with the pollen on you hair where you will be sleeping for a few hours, and have the next morning an allergy reaction, so wash it before bed and wake up without that reaction,

Close the car windows and put the air conditioner on rotation, that will help you to keep out the pollen and control the allergy, also change the filters often,

Rise the humidity of your home, that will help to keep your respiration channel moisturized which means that the allergy reaction will be less intense,

And of course have on hand antihistamine and if you can have it with a rapid dissolution better to control an allergy attack,

I hope you liked it, here you have more tips posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,


  1. Laura says:

    Buenísimos consejos, y básicamente lo que hago cuando llega el buen tiempo. Yo soy de las que no se alegran nada por la primavera (juuuu), pero bueno, me encantaría poder disfrutar como hace el resto de la gente jajajaja.

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