Homemade lip scrubs

In winter time is essential to keep your lips moisturized, but to have a good effect we need to have our lips ready for that and the best way is to scrub them to receive in the best way possible the hydration, so today I will share with you a few different recipes of homemade lip scrubs,

Exfoliantes de labios caseros

Exfoliantes de labios caseros

Honey and sugar, this is the classic homemade lip scrub, use brown sugar for a stronger scrub and refined white sugar for a softer effect, the classic we see everywhere and that’s cause is effective, cheap and easy to do, use half and half of honey and sugar, use the mixture on your lips one a week and you are done!

Coconut oil, to the previous mixture of half and half of honey and sugar add a 1/4 of coconut oil, that will create a mixture that will scrub but also will add moisture and softness to your lips,

Teeth brush, this is other classic, if you don’t have time or just don’t remember to create the special mixture to scrub your lips use the night time brushing teeth moment to go gently over your lips with the teeth brush, that will slowly remove the dead cells of the lips and leave them smooth and soft,

Olive oil, if you don’t like honey you can add to the sugar olive oil, that will give the good consistency to the sugar to be able to apply it and scrub your lips plus will give an extra moisturizing effect to the lips, make sure you like olive oil before doing it and remember this is a grease oil so you lips will be grease for a few minutes,

Para una acción más intensa añade un cuarto de una aspirina a tu mezcla y conseguirás un efecto más intenso en tu exfoliante, eso si asegúrate que no eres alergia al ácido salicílico,

Any ingredient plus sugar, and for the last let me encourage you to add any ingredient of your taste to the sugar to create your own personal scrub, you can add lime, vanilla, coffee, peppermint etc… whatever you want,

For a more intense effect add to your mixture a quarter of an aspirin, the salicylic acid will give an extra scrub effect to your lips, just make sure you are not allergic,

I hope you liked it, here you have more posts of tips,

See you tomorrow and be happy,

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