How to sleep better

I always say that sleep is very important, but having a good sleep is essential, not just to recharge batteries but also to leave the growth hormones to do their job properly, regeneration of tissue and recover the body in general,

So today I will give you some tips to have a good sleep,

Como dormir mejor

Como dormir mejor

1. Have a schedule, go to bed to sleep at the same time every night will make your body to fall into routine and have it much easier to fall asleep and have a good night sleep, make sure you do so before midnight,

2. Create a nice atmosphere, is very important to feel comfortable when you going to sleep, so make sure the temperature is not too warm or too cold, that you don’t have noises like tv, radio or clocks… and make sure you bed and nice and comfortable, get sheets that makes you feel good, a comfortable mattress and pillow,

3. Avoid distractions before going to sleep, I am so guilty of this one, before going to sleep make sure you do not have any distraction like watching tv, using your computer or playing with your phone, that activity secretes melatonin which makes the brain be more awake which doesn’t make it any easy to fall asleep, but not just before going to bed, prohibited to bring your laptop to the bed and play with your phone while you are in bed already… guilty…

4. Careful with what you drink, drinking to much liquids before going to bed will make you go to the bathroom during the night time a few times waking you up every time, so make sure you take a small glass of water or a sleeping tea before going to be and that’s it, mostly avoid alcoholic drinks, coffee and energy drinks,

I hope you liked it and that you will start having a good night sleep, here there are more posts of tips,

See you tomorrow with a sexy carnival makeup tutorial and be happy,

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