5 Healthy tips that you should know

Take care of ourself is always good and is great to know tips and suggestions that will make them more effective, today I will give you some of my healthy tips that you should know,

5 Consejos de salud que deberías saber

5 Consejos de salud que deberías saber

Do exercise is a must that I always suggest on your daily routine to be healthy, a tip I follow is to drink cold water, iced water before and during the exercise to activate your metabolism, the body is force to warm up the water and for that burns calories, this is a good tip to make it more effective the training, this also is a good tip to start your metabolism in the mornings,

Something I have always done and since just a little while ago I learned it good for the training, release with sounds of voice while your exercising to give you up to 25% more strength on your muscles to do the exercise, so I will keep doing it for sure,

Never leave your training half way through, is much better reduce the weight or the intensity of the training but make sure you finish it, the sensation of finishing a training is what you need to resume this training the next day, never leave your training half way through,

If you a runner listen to your steps, if you can hear them cause they are sounded steps you are running with a bad form and you may injure yourself, make sure your steps are close to the ground and that you don’t let your feet fall to the ground, control the lifting up and also the releasing down the feet,

Look out your bread, make sure you take whole grain bread, not just dark wheat bread cause so many times this bread is white bread dyed with molasses so make sure you check is whole grain bread, you can go for rye bread cause it will make you feel full longer time, spelt bread is also a good options, it burns slower letting your body burn the carbohydrates before it become fat,

These are my tips for today, here you have more tips posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,

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