Halloween is invading everything! and when I said everything I mean everything!! even our Nail Friday series! and in this chapter Verónica doesn´t bring one but two manicures for Halloween, the first one is much more worked and complicated, we create spiderweb and the other one much easier and fun creating a cute ghosts… but I will not uncover any more details I leave you with her!
Enjoy it!
Hi guys!! here we are and as Silvia said we all over Halloween these days, in other countries is very famous but in Spain is getting more popular by the year, and this year we are going all out with it!
Today we start with two manicures one a bit more complicate that needs a bit more of a steady hand but very striking, a Spiderweb manicure with the typical orange Halloween color and other one much more easier and fun creating Cute Ghosts in a black base and white eyes! Vamos a empezar! Let´s start!
*Orange base Rituals 6890 tulip.
*Black nail polish Belle & Make-up 70 black no the road.
1. We will start adding a couple of lawyers of the base color, in this case I am suggesting to stick to the orange cause it will make look much more Halloween manicure, apply it using the technique of leaving a space between the cuticle and the color to make it look much neat. Leave it to get completely dry before next step, this is very important.
2. Take the black nail polish and do the typical french manicure, painting the tips of the nails, the all the nails and leave it to get completely dry.
3. The next step will be creating the base lines of the spiderweb, for that we will create three or four lines, depending of the nail, that goes from the black tip to the base of the nails, leaving a uniform separation between the lines and don´t worry of creating a perfect lines cause we are doing a spiderweb!
4. The next step is do the rest of the spiderweb, we will create lines with a soft curve form on them from the black tip to the base of the nail, again trying to leave a similar space between the lines and again don´t worry about being neat.
5. And the last step is to add the top coat to the manicure once everything is dried and we are done!
Now we are doing the second manicure much easier you´ll see!
*Black nail polish Belle & Make-up 70 black no the road.
*White nail polish Essence Nail Art 001 white.
1. We will start adding two coats of black nail polish base and leave it to get completely dry before continue.
2. To create the ghosts eyes I am using pin with a big head, those that comes with different colors, and I am using this head to create the eyes dipping this part on the white nail polish and creating a very similar and round eyes without much work. Leave it to get dry.
3. To create the iris of the eye we will use a pricker tool, or you can use the other part of the pin that we used before, and create a uniform dot on the center of the white circle, you can create these black dots one upper that other or lower that will create a very fun look.
4. Leave it to get completely dry and add a top coat to the manicure and we are done! a very cute fun ghots!
I hope you liked it and we see each other in the next chapter that we will continue with Halloween manicure, so get ready to get spook out!
Verónica Martínez
Instagram Vfemale26
I love these Verónica´s manicures and I think they are so cute for this time! we have to do some of them!
I will leave you with more Nail Friday manicures and nail posts!
Until next time,

Que cucas por favor, y la de los ojitos es super fácil de hacer! gracias a las dos
genial! me alegro que te hayan gustado y gracias por pasarte
Que bonitas por favor, me ha encantado la de la telaraña a ver si puedo hacerla! un beso
genial!! ya nos dirás, gracias por pasarte
Que chulas! me han encantado! justo estaba pensando si ibais a hacer algo de Halloween de manicura! genial
si! y van a venir más todavía! gracias por pasarte
Estas las intento seguro! gracias!
genial!! me alegro! gracias por pasarte
me han encantando, que monas, que chulas y que perfectas para halloween, estas las pruebo! gracias
genial! gracias por pasarte
que graciosas, gracias a ls dos por estas manicuras
gracias a ti por pasarte
me encantan!
genial! gracias por pasarte
me gustan mucho gracias
gracias a ti por pasarte
me encanta el de las telarañas, ese lo pruebo yo seguro aunque haré pruebas antes a ver si me sale! gracias
genial me alegro, ya nos dirás que tal, gracias por pasarte
pues nada habrá que hacerse una manicura para esta época!
genial! gracias por pasarte