Basic kit for special effects

Today we are doing to talk about special effects, but not a tutorial, today we are going to talk about the basic kit for special effects necessary if you are starting to get into special effects.

Those products to create the makeup and special effects, basics that you will need and that bit by bit you will have to increase on your way of getting into this type of makeup.

Let´s start,

Kit básico de efectos especiales, Basic kit for special effects Silvia Quirós

Basic kit special effects

*Modeling wax, a hard wax that become soft with the warmth of the hands, perfect to create flesh effect, volume, part of the face that have been cut etc.

*Liquid latex, some kind of liquid plastic that will dry out and will look like skin, perfect to create double layer of flesh and if we add toilet paper will get more texture and thickness and also can be use to blue things.

*Fake blood, is a product that can be buy and also can be made, here you have the video tutorial of how to make it, and cause the composition it can be drop on the mouth without problem but the skin will stain the skin for a few hours and also the clothes.

*Rigid Collodion, a chemical that create a scar effect on the skin, creating the shrink effect where ever you put the product one, and it will get more deep layering up.

*Mastix or spirit gum, a glue to use on bold caps, hairpieces or even to flat out the eyebrows to cover them afterwards.

*Teeth laquer, a product to stain the teeth, to create a homeless zombie etc effect. This is not a basic but you will add it with time.

*Cream colors, to give color to the effects, I really like the cream texture cause it can be blend but it has a high pigmentation.

*Aqua colors, other color products but they need a bit of water to work, they have less pigmentation and are perfect for body painting.

*Spatula, a tool to model the wax from the container and also to flat out the borders of the wax on the skin.

*Mixing palette, a flat palette to mixed product on it, or to use it as a holder of products for much easier reach.

*Sponges, a different types of sponges, to get different types of finishes and textures, like bruises etc, and also a special one to apply latex.

This is a kit that you will grow step by step with time to create a great special effect kit.

Don´t miss other special effects tutorials and also some of my techniques and tips posts,

Until next time,


  1. M.B. says:

    Hola Silvia. Para pintar heridas, sangre, etc… que es mejor? Los supracolores o los aquacolores? (estoy mirando Kryolan). Me recomiendas alguna página/marca más económica y de calidad? Gracias, y enhorabuena por tu trabajo.

  2. Diego Martinez says:

    Hola Silvia, me encantan tus trabajos, son una pasada!
    Tengo una duda… hay otro producto que tenga el mismo uso y funcione igual de bien que el latex liquido? Mi problema es que soy alergico a el… Si lo hay, podrias decirme como se llama y donde puedo comprarlo? Gracias de antemano! Un saludo!

  3. Ana Isabel says:

    Hola, me encantan tus maquillajes, son alucinantes y están super currados.
    Tenía una duda y es que soy de Madrid y me gustaría comprar el Rigid Collodium pero no se donde.
    ¿Me podrías decir donde conseguirlo?
    Muchas gracias :DD

    • silviaquiros says:

      Hola! primero me alegro que te haya gustado, yo lo compro en Lovel una tienda de maquillaje profesional en la calle Libertad en la zona de Chueca, detrás de Gran Vía! gracias por pasarte

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