Hoy después de varios meses tomando la nutricosmética de Viviscal para el crecimiento del cabello y recobrar la vitalidad y salud os quiero contar mi experiencia personal, Continue reading →
Today we are going for another chapter of basics, and today I am going to talk about a range of products that we all had heard about but maybe many don´t really know what they provide to us. I am... Continue reading →
You all know I´ve been using Viviscal for a while and thanks to that I had reduce drastically the hair lost and I have more body and volume on my hair that before, I also had been talking about the... Continue reading →
Loosing the hair is one of the most important problems on the beauty man wold, well woman and man but this time I am going to concentrate on the man problems that can cause traumas and self confidence problems. Today... Continue reading →
Después de muchos años de cuidado del cabello he aprendido que la mejor forma de tener un cabello sano, brillante, bonito y que crezca antes y más fuerte es tenerlo bien hidratado y nutrido. Hay muchos trucos para poder conseguir... Continue reading →
Viviscal Hair Growth Programme, es el secreto mejor guardado de las celebrities, un programa de crecimiento capilar natural. Con fabricación original en Finlandia es conocida y distribuida por todo el mundo, promoviendo el crecimiento del cabello en periodos en los... Continue reading →