Controversy on internet with Thinner Beauty

I just saw this news around internet and I have to talk to you about it, give you my opinion and also ask yours.

Polémica en internet con Thinner beauty

Polémica en internet con Thinner beauty

Thinner beauty is a company that as they said motivates people to be more beautiful by loosing weight and for that they take pictures of over weight people and use photoshop on them to show how they would look with that less weight on so they motivate them to loose it.

Let’s start by saying that I am horrified with the frase phrase looking more beautiful with less weight, that way is how you get people to get obsessed with loosing weight and follow through anorexia, bulimia etc…

Polémica en internet con Thinner beauty

Polémica en internet con Thinner beauty

This type of statements should be controlled, it can hurt so much to a young girl with insecurities that it’s been told that she will be more beautiful if she loose weight, the beauty is already in every person and it doesn’t change depending of the number the scale shows, focusing the beauty of a person in her looks is just crazy and madness.

I know this is not news, that we have seen this for a long time but to the point of photoshoping people over weight or what they think is over weight to motivate them to loose that weight I think is body shaming, is trying to force general beauty standards is just preparing for failure.

Have you seen this news around? what do you think?

Please leave me a comment below with your opinion I would to read it,

Uff how intense we start the day, see you tomorrow and be happy,


  1. Gafitas says:

    Lo primero de todo que el fotoshop es odioso y mal hecho y lo segundo que tratar inculcar esa moda puede resultar peligroso como bien dices. La genética es asi y no hay que luchar contra ella, no digo con ello que haya que dejar de cuidarse y comer sano , hacer algo de deporte etc… pero no llegar a estos extrtemos.

    FELICIDADES !! POR LOS 200.000

  2. retírate says:

    La modelo Tess Holliday denunció públicamente a la página de Facebook “Project Harpoon” ( en la misma línea pero peor todavía) antes de que la cerraran, por manipular una imagen suya. Menos mal que les cerraron el Facebook pues era un sitio abominable.

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