Natural remedies to reduce stress

Stress can be the cause of that wear moods, headaches, health problems even bad decisions, cause when we are under stress we it can interfere in our life, our relationships, our decisions and in general is not a good friend,

So today I gather some of my most effective natural remedies to control stress which I have tones of it…

Remedios naturales anti estrés

Remedios naturales anti estrés

Breath, yeap this can sounds crazy to suggest it as a tip but it works, when you are very stress take a deep breath, fill your lungs with air and release it slowly, this will calm you down and reduce the stress, it can take a few times to get it the first time but with practice it can work wonders,

Meditation, this is something that also need a bit of practice to achieve it but it’s an amazing tool to reduce stress, do not give up the first times you didn’t notices much, it takes some time to be able to control your body, your breath and your heart beat and reduce the stress, this can work perfectly for a tool in your every day routine to don’t let the stress pile up but also to help you in a crisis moment to control that horrible stress,

Sleep well, this also will help you so much to don’t let the stress pile up during the week, and to help you sleep add a few drops of lavender essence on the pillow to help you sleep, I also do a fabric mini bags with fresh lavender leaves and put it between the pillow and the pillow case, it works!

Exercise, this is another way to release energy and stress, try to add some exercise every day on your routine and will see how it helps you to release tension and don’t let the stress accumulate at the end of the day,

Enjoy your moment, dedicate a moment for you every day, for something you like, something it calms you down, or simply something that you enjoy doing like a bath, read a chapter of a book, or take a coffee relaxed, this will help you to enjoy your day and release that tension and stress before the end of the day,

I hope you liked my tips, I follow them every day cause I do suffer of stress and these helps me to control it, if you have some tips I will love to read them, leave them in a comment below,

See you tomorrow and be happy, oh! here are more tips posts,


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