Keep your teeth white

Smile is a simple gesture that can help you in your work and in your personal life, I smile to everyone I meet cause I think is a good feeling seeing someone smiling at you and that smile I give provoke smiles back and I love to see smiles in peoples faces instead of sad mad faces don’t you think?

I am one of those persons that thinks good image is something that adds to your personality, profession and our relationships, give it important but not obsess about it, but there are small details that can help you with your image like having a good care teeth and a white smile, or more likely not yellow teeth,

Mantén los dientes blancos

Mantén los dientes blancos

Today I want to share with you some tips to keep your teeth white, not to achieve it but to keep them,

Always brush your teeth, this is something that it needs to be included in our daily routine for sure not just to keep them more white but to keep them clean and hygiene,

Use mouthwash, this is not something made up from the mouthwash makers but is true, use mouthwash every day after brushing your teeth to help keep your teeth healthy and whiter teeth,

Avoid some foods that stains your teeth, some food stain your keep like coffee, tea and red wine so is better to avoid them to keep them more white,

Eat some food will help you keep clean your teeth, and in the other side of the wheel there are food that will help you to keep your teeth clean like apples and carrots, also there are food that will help you keep your teeth free of tartar like dairy, raisins and cranberries,

And of course, don’t smoke, this is not only something very bad for you health but also will stain your clothes, hair, hands and mouth with stinky smell but also will yellow your teeth,

I hope you liked it these tips to keep your teeth more white and here you have more tips posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,

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