Prepare your skin for a short vacation

Is very probable that you are already on vacations or you are going today or tomorrow for a short Easter vacations, let me give some tips to prepare your skin for these days,

Prepara tu piel para unas mini vacaciones

Prepara tu piel para unas mini vacaciones

Scrub, is essential do it at least every couple of weeks but when we are going on vacations that may be some Sun involve is necessary, this will make sure our moisturizer and protection creams works as best and also will help us to get an even tan if that’s our goal,

Facial hair removal, with tweezers with wax or what ever is your technique, make sure you do it before going on vacations, that way you won’t need to pay attention to this these days,

Sunblock, this is nothing new but you make sure you take with you extra sunblock creams to protect your skin from the Sun, for the face and for the body even if you think you don’t need it cause you are not going to the beach, you should always get sunblock protection,

Extra moisturizer, the same in here take some extra hydration products with you and I even will suggest you to take the strong hydration moisturizer you have and lip balm, on the beach the salt and the wind can dry out your skin and lips and on the mountain the cold and wind can do the same, so extra hydration,

Do not forget to drink, this can happen often we go on vacations, relax and leave behind the routines but make sure you keep drinking your 2 liters of water every day,

And most of all relax and enjoy your short vacations, this is the time to recharge your batteries,

I will be back on friday with an special effects tutorials but till then I will leave you in peace,

Be happy,

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