Start the day in the best way possible

There are some steps to follow that will help you to have a better mood in the morning and make enjoy your morning even if you have to wake up early, today I will share with you some of mine maybe it works for you too!

Empieza el día de la mejor manera

Empieza el día de la mejor manera

1. Wake up a bit early that necessary, I know that wake up a bit early that necessary sounds like a crime cause we all love to sleep but just bare with me, take some of this time to stretch, even do some yoga moves and think in the good thinks you have in life and be thankful for them,

2. Dedicate some minutes to yourself, read a chapter of your book, or your favorite blog o just water the plants of sit for a while, do what ever you like is the best way to start the morning,

3. Have a prepare routine, having a routine and everything planed will make you wake up with no stress, just knowing that you all the steps to have everything done and ready will easy your mood,

4. Every day is a new start, wake up with the idea that every day is a new start to achieve your goals, or just to improve or even just to leave what happen yesterday in the past and start new,

5. Enjoy everything, enjoy you cup of coffee, your breakfast, those minutes to yourself, enjoy the routine and every step that will make you feel like you are spending some time for yourself right starting the day and will make you feel better and with more energy, do not rush and stress the first thing in the morning,

6. Do some exercise, do exercise in the morning will start up your body and get you going like no other thing, dedicate some minutes to stretch, do a bit of exercise or even if you up to it run a few kilometres, you will feel the different,

These are some of my steps if you try out let me know in a comment below I would love to read it,

Here you have more tips posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,


  1. María says:

    ¡Me encantan estas entradas! Yo normalmente me levanto a mi hora porque me encanta dormir y aprovechar cada minuto de sueño y calorcito en cama jeje pero lo que más disfruto nada más salir de la cama es leer un ratito e ir a patinar al salir de la ducha! Un besazo Silvia 🙂

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