Tips to make it look better the self tanner

I am one of those who are using every year more self tanners than be expose to the sun, every year I am more scared of the sun and the damage it can do so I go more for self tanners, I start around this time of the year and I extended to beginning of fall,

So today I will share with you some of my tips,

Consejos para que quede mejor el autobronceador

Consejos para que quede mejor el autobronceador

1. Find a natural self tanner, this is very important in product wise, is important to avoid the orange self tanners, cause they are not natural, go for those that has green undertone which is the most natural finish tanner, there are few brands known for those green undertones natural finish,

2. Scrub the skin, this is the first step to have a unified and natural skin, exfoliating the skin will remove all the dead cells of the body which normally are the reason why we end up with patches of self tan around the skin,

3. Be completely dry, if you had a shower to scrub the body before, make sure you get completely dry, so wait a few minutes and use this time to get out of the way the manicure, pedicure, waxing etc…

4. Use gloves, this is very important or you will get an excess amount of product on the palm of the hands which will dark very much, so use gloves and go for those that has sponge in one of the sides,

5. Careful with some areas, there are areas on the body that are tent to absorb more the self tanner and get darker that we will want, so do not apply tanner here just blend that you have around, the back of the knees, the inner part of the elbows and on the armpits, that way it will look more natural,

6. Paciente, expand the product well for a few minutes to get the best results and avoid cuts and patches, take your time to blend out everything to make sure, for the back turn around the glove and use it with the back of your hand,

7. Leave it to get dry, after applying it do not get dressed right away, let it get dry before getting dressed,

8. Do it at night, this is one of my personal tips, I think it works very good this way, take a shower and scrub the body then apply the self tanner, leave it to get dry and go to sleep, I also put a towel on the bed to avoid stain the sheets,

9. Take a shower the next day, this is obviously, but if you have done it in night time as I suggest it, take a shower in the morning to take off the excess, you will see some of the product go down the drain but don’t worry that’s just the excess, and you will end up with a gorgeous and natural tan,

Aquí os dejo más posts de consejos,

Nos vemos mañana y sed felices,

I hope you like it, leave me a comment below letting me know if you have use any time a self tanner and how was your experience,

Here you have more tips posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,

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