Today I will share with you more trends that are been seem around lately, on the catwalks around the world, magazine shoots, fashion or even around some celebrities, I am talking about bleached eyebrows!
In light and blonde hairs are almost normal to see this light or bleached eyebrows, even more in the 90’s, but today we see this even in dark brown hair, a very radical effect that may seems will change a bit things around,
Well this is if this trend become popular, for now it looks very dramatic and radical, mostly if this comes with a dark hair like Katy Perry pull off last year,
But in my opinion she did a wonderful job doing it, but hardly can be said the same with Miley,
Do you think this trend will be around long? or may be just a very passing trend?
In some way I wish this is just a passing by trend that some celebrities wants to go on board for a while but I hardly think I or any that I know with dark hair will go for it, what do you think?
Leave a comment below with your opinion!
Here you have more trend and hair posts, See you tomorrow and be happy,
Para gustos los colores, a mi personalmente no me hace tilín. Besotes.
A mi tampoco aunque las que he visto en pasarelas no quedaban mal, pero para el resto mejor ni probar!
Esto ya me parece lo más de lo más jaja desde luego hay muchas tendencias que no me gustan pero que tienen un pase…porque para eso están los gustos pero es que las cejas decoloradas me resultan bastante fantasmales a la par que antiestéticas no? jaja bueno, todo se verá a ver si cala hondo y se convierte en la nueva tendencia de esta primavera o es sólo una moda pasajera de las más excéntricas! Un besazo Silvia 🙂
Yo pienso igual, espero que sea totalmente pasajera y que solo se vea en algunas celebrities que quieren llamar la atención! el resto de los humanos las dejaremos tranquilas a las cejas jejeje