Improve your mood

Monday, the start of the week and for that one of the most heater days, but that can change, today I will share with you my tips to change your mood and take today and all of the starting of the days with a better mood,

Mejora el humor de tu día

Mejora el humor de tu día

Sleep well, this is a very old trick to have a good starting of the day, monday or any day, have your 8 hours of good sleep, go to sleep before midnight, try to don’t watch nothing to exciting just before going to bed, neither do exercise o had a big meal before going to bed, warm bath or showers will help you calm and relax and also a nice tea,

Wake up on time, one of the worse ways to start a day is rushing in the morning, that will stress you for the rest of the day, so make sure you put different alarm clocks if it’s necessary and wake up on time,

Take your time for breakfast, yeap looks not important but taking your 10 minutes to have your breakfast and be able to do it clamly and enjoying this moment will help you to charge your batteries with positive energy,

Take breaks, taking a break during your work time is essential to don’t stress and overwhelmed, take a snack, a walk around the office or just stand up and give to your mind a break for a few minutes,

Do some exercise, our mind need to take a break from everything to keep the good mood, doing exercise it helps us to be fit and have a good health but also helps us to take a break and also makes our body to release endorphins, the happiness hormone, so make sure you take some time to do some exercise every day, even just walk home,

Take some air, this has been proven to be magical, if you are stress or overwhelmed, take a break and go outside, breath the clear air, leave your mind to be refresh and let the oxygen help you to control your mood, that really works for me, the air, feeling free,

Listen your favorite song, who doesn’t like to listen to their favorite song? don’t doubt and press play to make you feel better and enjoy some minutes your way,

Practice your hobby, and the last tip is to take some time to practice your hobby, what ever that may be take some time to do so, at least once a week, that will help you keep your good mood,

I hope you liked it, here you have more tips posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,

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