What to know before dying your hair at home

One of the best ways to save money beauty wise, is to dye your hair at home, but to have a good experience and have a great results there are some things you should know, you all know I do not dye my hair but I have a big background on my family that does it so I have learned a lot from them!

Que saber antes de teñirte el pelo en casa

Que saber antes de teñirte el pelo en casa

1. Identify your hair conditions and your natural hair shade, I mean to know if our hair is fine, thick, you feel from sensitive skin or any allergies, this is important to have it in mind and be able to chose the right dye and knowing your natural hair shade will also help you to achieve the best results, the dyes changes depending of the base color,

2. Search information about brands, this is important, know the brand is essential, ingredientes, results, search in chats, blogs, ask to the people close to you, their experiences, their results, also is good to decided of what type of dye you will go for, more chemical or more natural,

3. Don’t trust the boxes, go for one or two shades lighter than the final result you are looking for and do not trust the boxes, normally dyes end up showing darker on our hair in comparison of the box example,

4. Start from clarifying your hair, start with a lighter hair shade will help you to achieve your desire shade, but do not do nothing to extreme, just using a clarifying shampoo before using the dye will be enough to start with a good base,

5. Go for a semi permanent test run, try out first the color you want with a semi permanent dye that goes away by washing, that will help you to see how the color will look on you before committing with a more permanent dye,

6. Try for allergies, make sure you try out the product before using it and be sure you are not allergic to it, add a bit of product on your skin and look for a reaction, on the back of the ear is a good place, add a bit of the product there and leave it for a few minutes, if you don’t see and feel any reaction then you are good to go,

7. Protect your skin, this is a very useful trick, apply a coat of clear vaseline around the hair growth line, mostly around the forehead, the ears and behind de ears, that will avoid your skin from stain,

8. Massage is the trick, this is something that you will see in so many hairdressers salons, massage the skull, spend a couple of minutes right after applying the dye massaging your skull and hair, that will help activate the dye and also to penetrate better,

9. Hydrate your hair right after dying, right after rinsing the hair from the dye apply a hair mask, that will help your hair to look smoother, the dye damaged a lot the hair and every single moisturize product you can add will help,

10. Keep moisturizing, this is something not just for dyed hair but for all the hairs, but if you have dyed your hair you may have it more damaged, even using natural products you are altering the natural state of the hair so it could get dryer and more damaged, so keep your hydrating routine or even increase it cause with a moisturized hair looks anything better,

I hope you liked it, here you have more tips posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,


    • silviaquiros says:

      Hola! pues uno que funciona muy bien es el de Phyto que es clarificante y desintoxicante y el de Matrix Biolage también va bien, y uno un poco más caro pero espectacular es el de Morrocanoil, de por si el champú clarificante no daña el pelo lo que hace es limpiarlo profundamente para crear una base perfecta para el teñido, sino te lo quieres teñir usar este tipo de champús de vez en cuando para devolver el brillo y salud al cabello tampoco es mala idea, pero no abuses de ellos, suerte!

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