How long last makeup

To all those makeup users one of the most though thing is, when it need to be toss the makeup? or how long last? cause nobody wants to use a makeup that is not in the best conditions or is past the expire date,

Today we will talk about some of the things you need to know and how long a makeup last,

Cuanto dura el maquillaje

Cuanto dura el maquillaje

Starting with eyes products, being for a very delicate area of the face is important that we use products that are in perfect state, make sure you update your eye makeup product to don’t use expired once, for example we replace both mascara and eyeliner at least every 6 months unless you’ve been through an eye infection so it is important to replace everything before reuse eye makeup,

For the shadows and eyeliners the life is much longer, even up to 4 years, and if we use it with clean brushes and hygiene better,

Lip products tend to be used until the last moment of its expiration date, usually between one and two years, but if they change the texture, smells funny or starts to crack is time to get rid of them,

About foundation we must take into account more than just the expiration date, also think about the applicator, if tube, cap screw or stick is much more likely that although we use clean tools to have transferred germs and who are living in the jar, in this case you should replace roughly every six months, but if the base has an applicator pomp may last a little longer, until eight months,

For compact base powder or loose or pressed powder or bronzer usually have more time to use them, we can go from one year up to 14 months, but if it starts to smell funny, loses texture or starts making lumps it is also time to get rid of them,

So not only have to consider the expiration date of the products but also the smell, texture and feeling it gives you when using these products, please note that like other products is not good apply a product that is expired on our skin,

I hope you have helped, here you have more makeup products posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,


  1. Ginger says:

    Yo creo que absolutamente todo dura más tiempo del que nos dicen y bueno se nota perfectamente por la textura y por el olor, yo tengo sombras de ojos de hace 20 años y las sigo usando!!! y no pasa nada, hay algo que sabes que una sombra esta en mal estado, suelta mucho polvillo, a la basura, no pigmenta nada, a la basura!!! barras de labios, huelen a rancio… a la basura!!!, en fin hay muchas cosas que nos delatan que un poti está en mal estado mucho más alla de la fecha de caducidad que tan de moda esta ahora poner!!!!!


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