8 tips to blow dry your hair at home

How nice the hair looks after going to a hairdresser, I love it! but not always is easy to recreate it at home! today I will give you some tips to have a good blow dry at home to have it as good base to any hair styles!

I have pretty fine hair and if I don’t dry it to give more volume can get a bit flat, but I do not always use blow drier cause I do not want to apply constantly heat to your hair but if I want to have a good base a follow this steps!

8 consejos para secar el pelo en casa

8 consejos para secar el pelo en casa

Never use a brush or a comb while your hair is damp or wet use your fingers instead and start combing your hair with them also so use it while your are blow drying your hair until you have much less humidity on your hair to be able to start using the brush,

Always before using any heat tool spray heat protector to protect your hair from any damage, spray a bit of the product on your hair and spread it with your fingers,

Use all the powder of you blow dryer using a nozzle that controls the hair and have focus the power on that area, better to use all the power and also easy to have the final result you are looking for,

Follow the hair grow direction to have the perfect finish and more natural, if you try to blow dry your hair in the opposite direction of it’s grow you can get a weird finish or your hair coming back to it’s original direction with a weird finish,

The trick of blow drying your hair head up side down still works to give an extra volume, I always finish up this part by putting my head up again and blow dry the hair it’s grow direction, that will prevent the frizzing and will keep the volume,

If you have a good amount of hair you hay separated the hair in sections so is easier to dry it completely easily,

Once we have take off most of the humidity of the hair you can start using the brush, use a rounded brush to give some shape to your hair, control the ends or the fringe for example…

As final tip is good to reduce the temperature of your hair, after using a blow drier in hot air for a while our hair can be pretty heat up, so give some cold air bursts to cold it off and also set on place your style,

I hope you liked it, here you have more hair posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,


  1. Raquel says:

    Hola Silvia! Hace un año o así que sigo tu página y me encanta. Me pareces muy profesional y eres muy ordenada.

    Te quería preguntar si conoces alguna marca de protector de calor que no contenga siliconas. Antes usaba una que me venía en una Birchbox de la marca Beauty&Protect pero, pese a que me parece muy buena, me gustaría cambiar.

    Muchas gracias! 😀

    • silviaquiros says:

      Hola! me alegro que te guste, Aveda hace uno que no tiene siliconas pero todo lo que lleve aceites esenciales como aceite de argan, de coco o de almendra dulce hacen un efecto protector del calor, suerte!

  2. Laurammg says:

    Muy buenos consejos!! tengo el pelo rizadisimo y siempre he querido que me quedase el pelo perfecto sin tener que usar la plancha todos los dias! Siempre el resultado de la peluquería no tiene nada que ver con el de casa, pero bueno.. espero que con estos consejos me quede parecido jejejeje Un besitoo guapa!!

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