Sleep better

Sleep, sleep well, this is something essential to make everything work better, be more active and have good health, sleep is important but sleep well is the best way to heal our body, we have to make sure we have a good sleep everything,

Today we will go through different ways to make sure that happens,

Duerme mejor

Duerme mejor

1. Relax, not just before going to sleep but in your daily basis, keep your stress levels as controlled as possible to avoid to get the cumulative and keep you from having a good sleep, so make sure you have a bit of time every day to release your stress, practice a sport, meditation, yoga etc anything that help you control your stress levels,

2. Lavender, spray some drops of lavender on the pillow and will help you to fall asleep better and easier,

3. Wild lettuce, yes wild lettuce, as a rare that sounds wild lettuces has different properties, control the anxiety, headaches, muscle pain and relax the body, so perfect before going to sleep,

4. Calcium and magnesium, two minerals that promote the well sleep so together are the bomb,

5. Do some exercise every day, the best way of getting to bed and have a good sleep is to be tired, for that one of the best ways to releasing energy and adrenaline is to do exercise every day, so make sure you add a daily routine of exercise to your days,

6. Have a routine, get your body used to a routine, try to go to sleep at the same time every day and wake up at the same time every day, that will make your body to get into the routine of when have to sleep and make your easier fall asleep and rest well,

I hope you liked these tips, here you have more tips posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,

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