Beauty benefits of the banana

You all know I am all pro natural remedies and I love the search for properties in the food, so today I want to share with you the beauty benefits the banana has, you will be surprise,

Beneficios del platano en la belleza

Beneficios del platano en la belleza

We can start by saying that banana is one of those fruits very easy to find, is around all year long and has different nutrients as part of it, vitamins A, B, C and E and also has zing, potassium, iron and manganese, so just for that is very good to have it on our daily diet,

One of the properties of the banana is to smooth out the black spots on the skin, smash a banana and to give a extra hydration to your skin add a teaspoon of honey and apply the paste to your face and neck for 20 or 25 minutes and remove it after with warm water, do this mask one or two times a week and after a few weeks you will see your black spots smooth out,

Also can reduce the spots and blemishes, take a banana and smash it, add a couple of teaspoons of freshly squeeze lemon and mix it well, add the paste to your face and neck for 20 minutes and raise it with warm water, you will have a very glowing skin and after a few days applying this mask you will notice your spots and blemishes are been reduced,

As a scrub, add to you smashed banana a bit of sugar and apply it on your face with circular motions for a minute, the banana will help with the hydration of your skin and the sugar will smooth out the face removing dead cells,

Anti bags, this is my favorite used, perfect for a special moment, if you wake up with under eyes bags or you have a party and want to reduce that puffiness under your eyes take a banana and smash it and apply it around the eyes for 10 or 15 minutes, after taking off the paste with cold water you will feel that area much more smooth and flat,

I hope you liked it, here you have more beauty posts,

See you tomorrow and be happy,


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