5 easy tips to be more effective

Have initiative, want to do things, learn, be better, change… all of that is great, those are some of the first steps you need to do if you want to be somewhere, but one of the most important steps to do so is to be effective, essential if you don’t want to loose it on the way of your dreams and goals…

Today I will give you 5 very very easy tips to be effective that really works, I tried them and used them daily!!!

5 Trucos fáciles para ser más efectivo

5 Trucos fáciles para ser más efectivo

1. Evaluate the task to be done, this is very important, take a moment and think about all the tasks and work you need to have it done and how long it will take you to do so, that will help you to plan with time the amount of time you will need to achieve them, you should do this with daily, weekly, monthly and even bigger task like yearly tasks, have it clear on how long will take you so you won’t be lacking time for them,

2. Have a deadline, that will help you to have your work and tasks done easily, knowing you have a deadline to do them will be the perfect excuse to don’t have any excuse,

3. Concentrate, out distractions, concentrate on what are you doing and leave the phone alone, avoid talking or chatting with friends or co workers, check your email etc.. that will just distract you from your tasks or work and will take longer and will be more difficult to achieve,

4. Take a break, use it as rewards of a well done job, take a coffee break after sorting our and replying your hundreds of mails or take a week off in a spa after report a assignment, just take some time for your breaks,

5. Do exercise, that something we can’t forget, work our mind is very good but for a great balance you need to work out your body too, will help you concentrating, release endorphins and be more awake and relaxed at the same time, go for your chosen exercise and stick to it in a weekly routine,

I hope you liked my tips and will help you to achieve your dreams and goals,

See you tomorrow and be happy,

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