The keys to success

Today I want to share with you a different type of post, I want to share with you what in my opinion are the keys of success, with this I am not saying that I am in the right o giving advices or that I am on the top of the world, but after working really hard and struggle for many years I got to the conclusion of which one are the essential keys of success in anything you do in life,


Motivation, this is a essential feeling to reach anything you want in life, I found out a simple trick to be able to stay motivated, there is nothing better in life that do what you like, you get excited about, it fulfill, you love…

Find out what is your passion and make it your job, that will keep your motivation right up, cause there is not better feeling of doing what you love as your job, that is an unlimited source of motivation,

Perseverance, we can’t give up at first, any path to success there are many problems, falls, failures and to keep trying is what in the end will makes us get to the success point, to keep your energy up and strong celebrate every single achievement you are making on the way to the final success,

Resilience, don’t let anybody destroy you, sometimes the rival competition instead of taking it as a way to keep improving yourself takes it like the only way is to destroy you, so resist and stay on your place is very important, the best way is to have a good roots, good foundation… education, keep improving, daily learning…

Dedication and hard work, non success has come free, put tones of dedication and hours into it, even when you are tired, fed up or don’t wan to keep going, remember this is for your future, this is your way to success and do what you love, so keep fighting,

Confidence, truest in what you do, trust your work, trust that you gives the best of you, this is not being vain or thinking you are the one, the best, this is thinking and being the best version of yourself, do it as better as you can and putting as much effort as you can, that doesn’t mean thinking that you are better that anybody or that someone is below you, if that happens it may be their problem nor yours, keep trusting your work and fighting for it,

Focus, you know the saying “grasp all, loose all” exactly that, focus in one thing, one style, one job, one career, one future and keep it high intensity and efficient, if you try to reach for many things you may get decentralized or un focus and don¡t do your best in each of the matters,

Get to know yourself better, know yourself is very important, your gifts, those things you need to work on, your limits and your goals, they are very important to achieve success in life, and also admit when you need help, that is very important to reach your final destination,

I hope it’s been some kind of help my experiences, I am still on my way to success, still fighting every day, still finding rival competition that does’t play fair and keep finding problems, but that makes me improve and grow, so I will be fighting and wanted even more my final goal,

Find your passion and fight for it!

See you tomorrow, here you have some of my favorite tips posts and be happy


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