Benefits of the solid shampoo

I had told you already many times that I’ve been using solid shampoo for a while already and since the first time I said it you’ve been asking me why and the benefits of it, so today I decided to share with you my reason why I started to use it and the benefits,

I will start by explaining what is a solid shampoo, well is just that is a shampoo and is solid, the fabrication process is very similar than a soap bar, but the ingredients are different, in a solid shampoo are presents oils, butters, fresh juices, natural ingredientes to protect, repair and gives shine without adding fat, parabenes and silicones to the hair,

Beneficios del champú sólido

Beneficios del champú sólido

Now we know what are they, let’s get into the benefits, the value is very high, each bar equals three or four liquid shampoo bottles, making last many months, so you have you money much more worth, and they are perfect for a travel,

The solid shampoo doesn’t contain water, not water no preservatives, no preservatives less chemicals, less chemicals healthy hair and also cause they don’t come with plastic bottles better for the environment,

Its ingredients are natural so you will have healthier and more beautiful hair, but cause they don’t contain silicones the transit between the traditional shampoo to the solid one can be a bit rough, while we are eliminating the silicones accumulated on our hair for years the can feel and look a bit damaged or rough but that just for a couple of weeks while this cleaning process is happening, after that all good! so don’t give up and keep using the solid shampoo and you will see great results!

Interesting right? lets talk about application, unlike tradition liquid shampoos these solid shampoos doesn’t have lids, excessive product drops, hand measurements etc.. just wet your hair, wet the bar and rub it on your hair and skull, once you have enough product just wash it with your fingers as normal,

As my personal experience I am very happy and I am not going back to the liquid shampoo in a very long time, and now that more companies and brands are committed to this format is even easier to get your hands to a solid shampoo, my reason why to change shampoos was to avoid chemicals as much as possible and have my hair as clean and as natural as possible and it’s been a great success!

I hope it’s been useful, and that you will go for it, if you do so please let me know! Here you have more tips and suggestions,

See you tomorrow and be happy,


  1. Marian says:

    Yo llevo ya unos cuantos años usando champús sólidos, y la verdad es que son una gozada.
    Hasta ahora, de los que he probado, los que más me han gustado son los de Bubbly. Además, están a un precio estupendo.
    Ya he echado la cuenta y un champú sólido me ha durado 6 meses. En ese tiempo se gastan unos cuantos botes de champú líquido.

  2. higiene de la piel | Promo Farma says:

    No puede haber forma más natural para lavarse el cabello!

    Es verdad que aun este tipo de champú no son muy conocidos entre los consumidores.
    Pero lo que está claro es que se trata de un champú más ecológico y natural siempre que en su producción no se hayan empleado químicos.

    Felicitaciones por el Blog es muy bonito.

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