August back to basics

August, month of beach, vacations, heat, terraces, enjoy, relax… but also is the month of review and learn!

All this month of August we are going to go through all the beauty basics, one by one we are going to talk about each of the beauty basics that we all hear about but sometimes we don´t really know what they do, what to use it for and we don´t know which are the best products for us.

So because of that this month of August we are going to talk, explain, and get clear what does each of them so we can start the new season with more information of them and be able to start of continue our skin routine knowing what our products does so we can choose the right products for us!

So let´s start! tomorrow 1st of August is going to be up the first post! don´t miss it!

Agosto mes de los básicos august basics Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty

Here we will talk about beauty basics, the makeup basics will be on youtube in video tutorials, SilviaQuiros will hold the spanish videos and SilviaQuirosMakeup will hold the english videos,

Don´t miss the August basic and more beauty posts,

Until next time,


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