Skin care routine with Clinique

I said it a few times already, it´s very important the skin care and keep it clean and moister to prevent the early aging the impurities to make it look as much radiant and luminous as possible, and be the perfect canvas for our makeup.

But we have the problem of having too many products on the market to make ups not really know which one to use, which are the essentials etc making this process more difficult.

So for that Clinique has created long time ago their 3 steps system, concentrating the skin care routine to the essentials and making much more easy to everyone to be able to do it on the correct and effective way.

Rutina básica de cuidado facial con Clinique Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty

I just not want to talk about the 3 steps Clinique routine but also I want to show you how to do it to get the best result and to improve your skin care routine and hydration state of your skin. Doing in the morning after waking up to prepare the skin for the day and at the night time just before going to sleep to prepare the skin for the cell regeneration that happens during night time.

Basic skin care routine 

Before starting to talk about the 3 steps routine I am going to talk about the general essentials to get the best results first and then we will see it match the Clinique 3 steps.

Step 1 cleansing, this is the first step after removing your makeup to remove the impurities of our skin.

Step 2 toner, this is a must step, cause after using water on our face we had unbalanced the PH of it and if we don´t use the toner to balance it back it can take 48 hours to do it by itself.

Step 3 hydration, to maintain the skin healthy, moister and young.

Rutina básica de cuidado facial con Clinique Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty

Rutina básica de cuidado facial con Clinique Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty

Once we have clear the three steps we are moving to the 3 Steps by Clinique and we will see it matches perfectly to our skin needs.

So let´s start talking about this 3 steps that varies in products to match the dry skin types, oily skin types and sensitive sky types.

Rutina básica de cuidado facial con Clinique Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty

Let´s start with the first step, the most important one, the cleansing, the pollution, the dead cells and residues sets on your skin and needs to be remove from your face to prevent imperfections, early aging and dehydration.

This liquid soap for dry skin cleans deeply the skin protecting the lipids of your skin, removing the impurities and rest of the dead cells from the regeneration.

The oily skin product is a soap bar.

Rutina básica de cuidado facial con Clinique Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty

The second step, the toner, as I was telling you, when we use water on our skin we unbalanced the PH of it and it could take 48 hours to balance it back to normal by itself, so the toner do it for you instantly.

To match every type of skin Clinique has made 5 different toners to choose from, a soft clarifying toner for sensitive skin, clarifying toner 1 for dry skins, clarifying toner 2 for mix skins, clarifying toner 3 for oily skins and clarifying toner 4 for very oily skins.

Rutina básica de cuidado facial con Clinique Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty

And the last steps of the skin care routine is the hydration, this is the way to prevent our skin from dehydration, and protect it from exterior aggressions and prevent early aging.

And Clinique also gives us two options for this step a texture for dry and mix skins and a gel texture for oily and very oily skins, to protect, smooth out and improve your skin.

Rutina básica de cuidado facial con Clinique Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty

I hope you liked it,

Don´t miss other cosmetics posts and treatments posts,

Until next time,


  1. Lina Esteban says:

    Yo he probado los tres pasos pero para pieles grasas que es mi gran problema la verdad es que me ha ido muy bien, si es cierto que como me dijo la esteticista fuera cambiando de tratamiento de en tanto en tanto por que la piel se acostumbra y deja de hacer tanto efecto pero el jabón es algo que no he dejado de utilizar nunca, Clinique como marca de Cosmeticos para mi es una de las mejores. Para estar sin maquillar estas muy bien se nota que te cuidas la piel.


    • Silvia Quirós says:

      me alegro que te haya gustado, bueno yo he oído las dos cosas, que se acostumbra la piel y se cambie, y que no hace falta cambiar si te va bien los productos… supongo que ya es casi por gusto jejeje gracias por pasarte

  2. Lorena says:

    Hola Silvia!! Ya comenté en instagram que a mí. mw tocó. un neceser con estas muestras pero en tamaño viaje y no las pude utilizar ya que entre sus ingredientes está el ácido acetil. salicilico (componente que no puedo tomar ni usar al igual que sus derivados…). Imagínate que tengo que mirar todos y cada uno de los.compone.tesis de pro… ductos de belleza e incluso de champùs

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