The pleasure of Sakura ritual

It´s always a pleasure to dedicate some time to ourselves, to take care, love and feel beautiful… who doesn´t like that?

Rituals welcome the spring with the Sakura collection, inspired by the japanese festival Hanami Matsuri symbolizing the new life of the beginning of the new season.

El placer del ritual de Sakura Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty Rituals

The organic cherry extracts and the rice milk will give the necessary hydration that our skin needs in the moment of changing seasons.

Zensation, is a shower foam, very well known and loved product, with rice milk for a high hydration.

Hanami Heaven is a bath oil with milky texture to moisturizer the skin leaving a very soft and moisture skin, being very easy to apply.

El placer del ritual de Sakura Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty Rituals

Sakura Scrub is a body scrub with ecological sugar and softeners essentials oils, especially formulated to moisture and revitalize the skin with a soft Japanese cherry essence.

El placer del ritual de Sakura Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty Rituals

Magic Touch is a very hydrating body cream, with a creamy and light texture, to leave the skin perfect and prepare for the season change. With Vitamin E and gotu kola to protect the skin.

El placer del ritual de Sakura Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty Rituals

A infusion with a delicate and sweet mixed of herbs with ginkgo, licorice and citronella. A tea without theine perfect to take before going to be.

El placer del ritual de Sakura Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty Rituals

Rice Scrub is a exfoliating and relaxing gel shower that mixed exfoliating and nourishing cream, to eliminate the dead cells and leave the skin soft and radiant.

El placer del ritual de Sakura Silvia Quiros SQ Beauty Rituals

The best way to give the deserve welcome to the spring that since like is taking too long to get here.

I hope you liked it,

Don´t miss other Rituals posts and treatment posts,

Until  next time,


  1. Gafitas says:

    Que quieres que te diga… adoro Ritulas. Estuve utilizando el exfoliante y después la crema de cuerpo y casi lloro cuando se me terminó. Hasta que pueda ir a Parquesur, estoy sin exfoliarme ummmm

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