Toner is one of those steps in our skin care routine that we feel is not important and often we skip it but is very important and we need it, today we will go through 5 basic reason why to use toner.
1.Helps to remove the dirt left on the skin, even using a good cleanser sometimes it’s left some dirt on the skin and using a cotton with some toner will help us remove what’s left.
2. Helps to balance the PH of the skin, the skin in contact with the water looses the PH balance, using a toner will bring back that balance right away, otherwise our skin will take 18 hours to do so! and in that period we will feel the skin too dry or too oily!
3. If we choose a specific one for minimizing pores will help us every day to do so, reduce the size and even close them.
4. If we use a specific one for acne skin it will helps us every day to reduce the bacteria in our skin and with time it will help to reduce the acne.
5. Hydrate, even if you don’t think so the toner hydrates, and the best part is that we can choose the type of toner we want to use with the ingredientes we want to work in the problem we feel we need the most as we do with our skin treatment.
So I recommend that you will add a toner into your skin care routine every day and with time you will feel and see the difference, I love it so much, I have a dry skin and after I wash it it tent to get very dry and tight, and when I apply a toner it brings that comfort back to my skin, perfect to apply my skin care treatment on top, it feels like my treatment that way doesn’t need to care of how the skin is in that moment rather than working it’s magic!
So I hope you liked the post, here you have more review of products posts,
See you tomorrow and be happy,